Homework fun on an iPod touch

According to [The Vine](http://www.thevine.com.au), schools in Australia are finding ways to use iPods as a learning tool. A pilot program in which teenagers used iPods for school work has increased attendance and increased enthusiasm for homework. This comes as no...

New look!

This is my first post after upgrading to a new version of WordPress and a incorporating a new look & feel. The updated was inspired by the need to make my blog more [standards-compliant](http://www.webstandards.org/), with better SEO capability and all that. Also,...

Writing for the Web

If you’re writing copy for a website, you can’t use the same principles as when writing for a print publication. Documents written to be read online must be concise and structured for scanning. People tend to skim Web pages rather than read them word by...

Words of a Man’s Mouth

I just stumbled across the site, [Words of a Man’s Mouth](http://www.wordsofamansmouth.com/). > The site founder was visiting a shop in Hong Kong and came across an old leather-bound journal with photos of young men and writings in Chinese. It looked like a...

Why is my website font different?

I recently completed a job for a government department. The job was to make an HTML version of their printed annual report. They made the comment that the font used on the website was different from the printed version. Here is my response: > As with colours, we have...

IconFactory gets wise

Earlier this month, the folks over at the [IconFactory](http://iconfactory.com/) redesigned their website so that it not only looks great but it’s also [standards-compliant XHTML and CSS](http://iconfactory.com/home/technology). During the redesign and rebuild,...