Mac lightsaber

Here’s a cool idea… > Introducing [MacSaber 1.0]( Using your Mac’s sudden motion sensor, this software turns your computer into a Jedi weapon almost worthy of taking on the...

Do you do photoshop?

[]( © 2000-2005 Brad J. Guigar []( [Note: used without permission – will remove at copyright owner request]

Congratulations Adam and family!

Congratulations to [Adam]( and Karen on the birth of little Georgia!! I trust Mum and baby are well. All our thoughts are with you on this fantastic day! Well done son!!!

5 Steps to CSS Heaven

As we move towards a semantic, structured web… sometimes it’s the little things that make life so much easier. If you’re a front-end developer like me, Jon over at PingMag has written [an excellent...

What is Net Neutrality?

Glad that you asked. Except, rather than have me bore you, who else better qualified than … a Ninja! No, not [Jules]( 🙂 Check [this](